Thursday, November 03, 2005


Lots of things to explain, my views, others views, etc

check out some of these

here's my inspirational quote for today:

It Is Our Duty To Fight!
It Is Our Duty To Win!
It Is Our Duty To Love Each Other And Protect Each other!
Because We Have Nothing To Lose But Our Chains!
—Assata Shakur

heres the wikipedia definition of Anarchy:
The terms "anarchy" and "anarchism" are derived from the Greek αναρχία ("without archons (rulers)"). Thus "anarchism," in its most general meaning, is the belief that the State is an unnecessary evil and should be abolished. The word "anarchy", as most anarchists use it, does not imply chaos or anomie, but rather a stateless society with voluntary social harmony. An advocacy of voluntary human interaction and opposition to the State are the unvarying principles of anarchism. However, disputes arise over what type of interaction is actually voluntary, over which school of anarchism promises the most freedom, as well as over which philosophies are, or are not, forms of anarchism.


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